Population Cencus 2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Madiun Regency

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Population Cencus 2020

Population Cencus 2020

February 15, 2020 | BPS Activities

What is Population Census?
Population Census means periodic calculation of population. The data achieved usually does not only include the number of people, but also facts about gender, age, education, etc. that are considered necessary in the territory of Indonesia.
What is the purpose of the SP2020 implementation?
Provides data on the number, composition, distribution, and characteristics of the Indonesian population towards an Indonesian population data. It also provides demographic parameters and population projections (fertility, mortality, and migration) as well as other population characteristics for the purposes of population projection and SDGs indicators.
When was SP2020 implemented?
Phase 1. Online Population Census (15 February - 31 March 2020) where residents can fill in population information independently.
Stage 2. Population Census Interview (1 - 31 July 2020) where census officers will conduct interviews with residents who have not participated in the Online Population Census.
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